
“It’s Auburn.” (time to move!)

“You are capable because I am capable.” (time to have a baby!)

 Those are the two times I have specifically heard the Lord’s voice within my heart. 31 years of life and 14 years of actively pursuing Jesus and those are the two times I can say I heard His voice loud and clear.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t “heard” Him countless other times. I have felt Him lead me by giving (or taking away) different opportunities. I have heard His call through His Word. I have felt His confidence and His comfort through prayer. 

 Yes, I feel like I have heard Him directly two times, but if I listen carefully, I hear Him all throughout the day and life’s different seasons.  

 And you can too.

My husband has been doing a series the last few weeks all about the Holy Spirit. It’s been a reminder to me about being quiet and open enough to hear the Spirit lead. 

“But how do I know God’s will for my life?”

One of the most common questions we get in the church (and one I asked countless times too!). The question we ALL would love a clear answer to. I mean, wouldn’t a detailed blueprint of God’s will make all of our lives a WHOLE lot easier?

Maybe. But maybe then we wouldn’t feel the need to actively pursue His Word. Maybe then we wouldn’t feel the need to call on Him in prayer. Maybe then we would miss out on the adventure and the praise in seeing Him come through time and time again. 

In truth, in not giving us a blueprint, God gives us more. He gives us a relationship with Him and it is in that relationship we will find our answers.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” - Psalm 119:105 NIV

The Bible is the Living Word of God and it is there that we find our next steps. However, those next steps are illuminated when we have the Holy Spirit living, speaking, and guiding within us.

Before Jesus goes to the cross, He left His disciples with this encouragement in John 16. Though He must physically go, He is leaving us with Himself through the Spirit. 

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” – John 16:7 NIV

I love that. “The Advocate” is with us. While my kids are young, I always feel the need to “advocate” for them because they are not at an age where they can speak up for themselves. They need guidance and they need someone that is willing to fight for them.

That’s what the Spirit is. The Father is advocating for His children. He is guiding us through His wisdom living in and through us.

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” – John 16-13 NIV

You might be thinking, “that’s awesome, buuuuut, seriously, what’s God’s will over my life?” 

Glorify God with your life. Be in His Word. Have an open heart to His Spirit. 

He might say something specific. He might open up doors and close others. He might ask you to be patient and persevere until you are ready for what He has. He might speak to you through a wise friend. He might confirm a prayer through a sermon. He might withhold to pull you back to Him.

So, what’s the good news? You can stop asking that overwhelming question. You can stop spending your time worrying about the future. You can stop the anxious wonderings. 

“What’s God’s will?”

Follow Jesus.

“But what college?”

Follow Jesus.

“What relationship?”

Follow Jesus.

“Which town?”

 Follow Jesus.

 When you’re following Jesus, you’ll see that your life lines up with His. It won’t always be easy, but you’ll be in tune with Him. You’ll have His Spirit to get you through. 

You’ll be in His will.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” - Colossians 3:17 NIV

If you’re looking for more, then I encourage you to check out my guy’s sermons over the last month! They are all from the series “Fresh Wind” and they have re-opened my eyes and ears to the Spirit’s call and I pray they do for you too! CHECK IT OUT!

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