
HI FRIEND! Happy Wednesday! We’re half way through the week and I pray you’re feeling good! We might be living in a socially distanced world, but I’d love to encourage you to still be BOLD in friendships and community. I’m here to tell you to JUST SAY HI!

I was walking into the gym when my three-year-old daughter pulled on my shorts. I was caught off guard when I saw her anxious face and thought she might be feeling nervous about childcare. When I leaned down to comfort her she quickly interrupted me.

“Mommy, maybe you could just say hi?”

I looked at her puzzled and prodded to figure out what she could possibly be talking about.

“In your gym class, Mommy! Maybe you could just say “hi” and then you could have a friend!”

All of a sudden it made sense. The week before was my first time at this new gym class. I was telling my husband about it later because although I loved the workout, I admitted that I felt a little out of place because everyone knew each other. He and I had a pretty good laugh about it as I painted an overly dramatic picture of everyone talking before the class started while I stood alone. Little did I know I had tiny ears listening to every word I said. 

But here we were a week later. I was headed back to the same class and my precious little girl was trying to teach her mommy how to be brave in a new place. I didn’t even know she was listening to me nor did I think she would remember the conversation. (Although I should have. That’s my Anniston through and through.)

I responded with the biggest smile and hug I could possibly give her. “Thank you, baby. I’ll try saying “hi” this time!”

She wiggled out of my hug and ran into the childcare classroom without a second glance backwards and greeting everyone she passed. She is SO my husband’s daughter. :)

I went through the rest of the day thinking of her words. “Just say hi”. So simple. 

I thought of all the opportunities and friendships I had missed out on in years past because the fear of rejection or even the fear of awkwardness hung over me. I didn’t say “hi”. I didn’t make the friend. I didn’t take on the opportunity. And I usually regretted it. 

But I have never once regretted going out of my way to say “hello” to make someone feel encouraged or welcomed and I know I have felt so loved when someone did the same for me. Sometimes a friendship came out of it, sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes a door to something new was opened, sometimes it was closed. But even the times it didn’t pan out the way I expected (or even when it was SUPER awkward), I still never regretted that moment of kindness! Paul encourages us to be that kind of friend as he closes his letter to the church in Thessalonica. 

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

We weren’t meant to live alone! We were meant to live in community. We were meant to have accountability and we were meant to cheer each other on! How incredible would it be if we went out of our way to always make others feel loved, welcomed, and supported? I know I have always appreciated others doing that for me and I want to be known as the person that would do that for you. 

This is a crazy world we’re living in where social distancing and wearing a mask is the thing. But that does not have to slow down our ability to grow community and make someone’s day through a simple “hello”! 

So next time you’re at work, in class, at the store, or even on social media or here on the blog… JUST SAY HI! 

And I can’t leave without telling you the best part. Yes we are meant to have strong friendships, but BONUS, we get that relationship with God the Father as well! Right before Paul encourages true friendship, he gives us the good news that we have someone at ALL times.

“He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:10

PRAISE. He is there to do life with us ALWAYS. That’s something to jump up and down about! You never need to feel uncomfortable or too far away. He is always there to welcome your “Hi!” with open arms and a Word for your soul. You are LOVED by God the Father and He wants a relationship with you today! 

All this to say. Turn to your Father. He’s there for you. Then say “hi!” to someone! You never know the gift of friendship that could be waiting for you!

(And for those of you wondering, yes, I DID say “Hi!” when I got to my class and was immediately welcomed into the conversation I had shied away from the week before. I’m more than glad I did because it was the first thing my little Anniston asked about when I picked her up. She was very proud. :))

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